
Financial choices

The concept of a wealth blueprint is grounded in a structured progression of steps, highlighting the interconnectedness of thoughts, emotions, and behaviours in achieving financial success. I think ideas lead to feelings, and feelings lead to actions, and subsequently actions lead to outcomes. And in order to achieve these goals, good behavioural habits will be required.

Providing solutions

We are in sales because we are motivated by financial success. Selling is more than just transactions, it's a dynamic interaction centred on understanding people's needs, desires, and motivations. In reality, sales involve facilitating a connection between a solution or product and an individual or organisation that would benefit from it. I think to accomplish this, successful salespeople should delve into understanding their clients' perspectives deeply. As at its core, sales is an art form that combines understanding, communication, and persuasion. Contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops.

Hours worked that require compensation

During the discovery phase, we must agree that it’s a real problem and this problem has an impact on your business, then it is up to me to prove that I have a solution. I really enjoy helping organisations succeed, talking them through what’s holding them back and I like working with organisations that have a small company vibe, where I can naturally set up processes for them. I learned once and for all before the pandemic a real sense of knowing when a deal is worth pursuing. I don’t like “free” education and have no desire to give away my knowledge and experience, as it’s not my job to educate for “free”. Contact me via e-mail if you would like to evaluate what you should be measuring in your organisation.