human potential

The business world is changing


In today’s digital world, nothing replaces the human touch! We are living in interesting times where purpose, transparency and effectiveness are the basic criteria for high performance. The red thread throughout my career has been development and growth.  Contact me via e-mail and let me know what do you think?

Are you prepared to go that extra mile and really live your dream, in order to inspire and impact the community that you serve? For the majority of organisations that I have interacted with, then the answer is “NO”. Organisations of the future will have to focus on their customers by telling great stories which resonates and helps their customers to remember the details and share them within their networks.

Without data you’re just a person with an opinion.
— W. Edwards Deming

Accelerating the process


This morning I read an article about unlocking human potential. This led me to think about how few organisations understand the value of installing a sense of meaning for their employees, leaders and customers. We all know that sales is the critical interface between supplier and customer, we also know that the role of the sales person is to gain trust and progress guide the customer towards your solution.

I think that if the senior management were to install a deep sense of meaning into the work that they are doing, then the organisation would be significantly more productive, effective and innovative, and more likely to win the customer’s mind. Both employees and leaders would feel a higher degree of engagement and life quality. Would you like to take your organisation to the next level of performance by increasing the sense of purpose and belonging? Contact me via e-mail for workshops, mentorship and coaching.