
Find your passion

I think it’s all about connecting your passion with something that’s bigger than yourself. It’s important to figure out what that mission is for you, and for me I do it through storytelling. Storytelling is the oldest and most valuable way we have of passing on our values, echoing from ancient campfires to Homer's narratives in the Odyssey. I really think there is a role in society for storytellers who try and make us better, and as an entrepreneur, I've wholeheartedly embraced this path by mixing my love for coaching to enhance people's lives.

“When we work hard for something we don’t believe in, it’s called stress. When we work hard for something we love, it’s called passion.”
— Simon Sinek

The next level

Via Corporate Visions

There are no shortcuts, how do you skip years of learning in sales?

When you are struggling to deal with a problem or a pain point it can be tempting to try and find a quick fix. The bottom line is that there is no such thing as a quick fix, all you are doing is deferring, putting off the inevitable decision or action that needs to be taken. If you want to get better at sales it makes sense to have a curated step-by-step process, that is a written and proven best practice. You must learn from experienced professionals who really want you to win.

Personally, I hate to waste time! Time is all we have, money is nice, and we can always earn more money, but we can’t earn more time.  I’m really competitive and love to win. I’m extremely passionate about my profession. I think if you really want to become great at sales, you have to have a system in place which consistently provides you with feedback. Contact me via e-mail for a meeting if you want guidance to find an edge in order to get to the next level.


Big picture before details

In my experience it’s important to make an emotional connection with people and you have to share what you are passionate about. The first question you have to ask yourself when you are creating your brand, product or service is, “What is it that I am truly passionate about?” I think that you have to appeal to the heart before the brain as our brains crave meaning before details. Back in the days when we were running around in the Savannah, if we saw a sabre tooth tiger, we never thought about how many teeth it had. Our first response would be, should I run, or will it eat me? Our brains are hardwired to process information this way and that’s why we need the big picture before the details.

Just do as you're told!


Do you want to have compliant people? People who do what they are told, show up on time and get more efficient day by day. Alternatively, do you want people who care, passionate people, connected people who act and behave like they own the place? Do you want people who can look the customer in the eye and make a difference for that customer?

I think the person who works with you, not for you is all that we will have left as anyone can buy a robot. Loyalty is where success lies as no loyal employee will leave as long as you are both singing from the same hymn sheet. I mean if you welcome them, embrace them and nurture them - why would they leave your organisation?

The organisations of the future will not need a lot of people, they will just need people who care. People who are willing to make a difference, people who are willing to stand up and say, “I made this”. People who care only become restless enough to leave if they realise that you are not keeping it real. Unfortunately, these are not the people most organisations want. Most organisations want people who can be downtrodden, compliant and then they don’t have to worry about them leaving.

I think it’s better to have someone so passionate and good that you would miss if they were gone, rather than to have mediocre people who have no better place to go. What do you think?

Simple ways to say you care


It is not everyone who wants to lead a deep and passionate life.
It is not everyone who wants to leave the world better for having passed this way.
If you do, here are some simple ways to say you care:

  • Is there anything I can do for you?

  • How can I support you?

  • Do you need my help?

  • I always have time for you...

  • You are really good at what you do...