
You have a choice

The Law of Thermodynamics states that you cannot create or destroy energy, but you can transfer it from one thing to another or transform it from one thing to another. I always tell entrepreneurs  to look at energy the same way they look at money. Energy is a finite resource that needs to be wisely managed, wisely reallocated, and wisely invested. Practice being present with whatever you are doing because wherever your attention goes, your energy flows.

The Law of Practice says that we become good at whatever it is we practice, it doesn’t matter whether it’s positive or negative. If you practice something repeatedly, you’ll become good at it. Now is this why people are so good at distraction? Every day I hear people say that their smart phones are a distraction, the technology is not a bad thing, it’s beautiful so long as we oversee it. On the other hand, if every time your iPhone makes a noise, you turn to it and say – “Yes, master! How can I serve you now?” Then you live in the world of distraction, your iPhone has trained you to be distracted just like Pavlov’s dogs. Let all communication systems serve you but don’t let the little devices intrude you.

Culture is currency

c/o Lene Mønster

c/o Lene Mønster

The best part of the journey is the surprise and wonder along the way
— Burrellism

The western culture teaches us from a very young age to be attached to the outcome. There is this belief that the effort and practice don’t matter if you think the outcome is not going to be great. I think the only way you’ll ever get great outcomes is practice and practice in order to get better. As a sales professional the practice involves a whole host of things and practice makes perfect. Contact me via e-mail for your sales training and workshops.

Repetition is the first rule of success


As children we are taught that practice makes perfect, but many of us have been practicing the wrong things for far too many years. Too many people are making excuses. Too many people are procrastinating, rationalising and justifying why they did or did not do something. Boring!
It does not matter who you are, what your background is or your level of education. It does not matter what religion you practice, who your parents are or where they came from - all of this is irrelevant. There is always an opportunity for you to do something different with your life, to change your paradigm and move into a different place.

Let me know via e-mail.
Please note: All correspondence is handled with discretion and confidentiality.