
Strategic outcomes

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have questioned the effectiveness of S.M.A.R.T goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound). They suggest that better outcomes might be achieved by adopting F.A.S.T goals (frequently discussed, ambitious, specific, and transparent) instead. The MIT researchers think goals should be embedded in ongoing discussions to review progress, allocate resources, prioritise initiatives, and provide feedback. Objectives should be challenging yet attainable and translated into concrete metrics and milestones to clarify how to achieve each goal and measure progress. Additionally, goals and current performance should be made public for all employees to see. What do you think?

Generosity is a boomerang

Life gets so much better when you expect less as I think time generosity is grounded in empathy and emotional labour. In my world, generosity does not mean free; generosity does not mean lowering the price of what you do or giving it away. Generosity means showing up with emotional labour to do difficult work that some people think you might not need to do. This means that when someone is truly generous, they are bringing extra effort into something that may not work.


According to research from scientists at CalTech and Harvard who tried to figure out why giving feels harder for some than for others, and they found that the decision to give or take simply comes down to how much importance you attach to your interests versus someone else’s. Therefore, if you’re the type of person who considers other people’s needs as much as your own, self-sacrificing tends to be automatic. On the other hand, if you typically place more value on yourself, then giving feels more onerous.

Where do you need to make changes?

As a strategic leader it’s important to develop the direction the organisation is going via workshops. In my experience big ideas result from collaboration, study, and research analysis. Once you have the big idea you must develop a clear communication strategy of how you will communicate them efficiently throughout the organisation. Afterwards, oversee the implementation of these big ideas and finally, determine how the big ideas need to be refined and changed on a continuous basis. I think communicating these big ideas takes place daily through everything that you do. Contact me via e-mail for a meeting to discuss your workshop options.