
What do you know about your buyers?

Psychometrics is a scientific discipline concerned with the construction of assessment tools. Being able to identify the psychometrics of B2B buyers - for example, their needs, challenges, and motivations - will help you effectively tailor marketing messages and sales strategy for what your buyers are looking for, and ultimately winning them over in the sales process. Creating buyer personas gives you an inside look into your target audience’s buying decision process, and what they hope to achieve. This will save time and overhead by allowing you to create the most efficient and concentrated marketing strategy based on your most profitable targets and how they act and behave. Contact me via e-mail for sales and marketing workshops.

Scaling up good practices

I think that to grow and improve your skills, you must have the courage to face your fears. This leads to fostering co-responsibility and creating spaces to bridge differences, for example, Japan has an ageing population and a fascination with technology, and this has led to the development of companion robots. Sales professionals must allow their clients intellectual oxygen to express what’s going on in their heads. Today, it is not enough to say in words that your organisation makes a difference. We want a visible proof of the responsibility an organisation says it takes. Contact me via e-mail for a workshop regarding your organisation’s approach and execution strategies.

Where do you need to make changes?

As a strategic leader it’s important to develop the direction the organisation is going via workshops. In my experience big ideas result from collaboration, study, and research analysis. Once you have the big idea you must develop a clear communication strategy of how you will communicate them efficiently throughout the organisation. Afterwards, oversee the implementation of these big ideas and finally, determine how the big ideas need to be refined and changed on a continuous basis. I think communicating these big ideas takes place daily through everything that you do. Contact me via e-mail for a meeting to discuss your workshop options.

Hear and react

I think that if you want your business to run effectively one of the best investments you can make for your staff is repeated training. Training enables you to set and raise the standards of staff performance and proactively prepare them for difficult situations. For training to be effective, it has to be repetitive so that important concepts are constantly reinforced and reiterated. In my experience the best training for your sales and marketing teams is via workshops, as this will give them the opportunity to try out techniques before having to react to unfamiliar situations in real life and therefore increasing the chance of success. Contact me via e-mail for tailor made workshops for your organisation.

A simple buying process

I love to simplify complex things and I think that buyers go through 3 stages before purchase:

⁃  Awareness: What’s the problem and what’s the desired outcome?
⁃  Consideration: How can we achieve these things?
⁃  Decision: Who are we going to do this with?

The first two platforms are a battle over ideas and as a salesperson you must come into buying meetings with good questions and ideas. Buyers usually do their research and will get the facts and figures online, so salespersons have to step their game. We have start getting salespersons to start having conversations instead of giving presentations - true storytelling with references and testimonials. Contact me via e-mail when you are ready for a sales training and storytelling workshops.

Don’t be selfish

Everyone understands the need for change in the abstract, but on the day-to-day level people are creatures of habit. Human psychology contains many dualities, one of them being that even while people understand the need for change, they are also irritated and upset by changes that affect them personally. A change that upsets core habits and routines are deeply disturbing to them. To soothe the anxieties of those who dread change, one should create a new set of values and rituals to replace the old ones.

Every value in life must be paid for and those that pay are the ones that get it. Do you need some good ideas to change your life for the future? If you want good ideas then you have to go to the workshops and training courses where good ideas are being taught. Be well prepared, so when opportunity comes along it will pass by the person or organisations who are not prepared. Contact me via e-mail for workshops and training based around about mastering the science of achievement and the art of fulfilment.

Invite input from others

How can teams communicate more effectively?
To maintain the team spirit is probably the most challenging issue for managers and leaders in organisations today, putting the “we” before the “me”. I think that it’s not about individuals, it’s all about the collective and team members should be encouraged to share relevant information and ask clarifying questions. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathise with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. This is a skill that improves communication and with practice most people can learn to become better communicators.

How can you create a non-negotiable passion within your team?
I think in order to maximise teamwork, it's important that all teammates share the same goals and are committed to an overall vision. Communication is essential to ensure that a team runs optimally, and ineffective communication can derail an entire project. Bruce Tuckman stated that teams go through four stages of development - forming, storming, norming and performing - this is a useful framework for looking at your own team. In my experience, diverse teams with are more effective than less emotionally savvy teams and EQ skills can help teams navigate conflict, evenly divide work, and develop long-term trust.


What happens when teams interact virtually? 
Individual members of any team can help the team do better whether virtually or in person. Managers and leaders should encourage team members to communicate with one other and ensure that every team member participates in the discussion. In an ideal scenario, every team member would be encouraged to share their ideas and updates on progress - even if the news is bad - and other members would do their best to listen, evaluate without judgment, and offer a thoughtful response. 

Do you have the necessary time, focus, and energy for training and workshops? If so, contact me via e-mail.

Knowing the scenario

Illustration Francesco Ciccolella

Dr. Richard Carlson’s book, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” from 1998 advised us to only deal with things that matter and follow simple strategies for living a more fulfilled and peaceful life. As leaders, let’s learn to help people not just with their jobs but also with their lives. I think we have a two-fold responsibility to help people with job skills and I think the greater responsibility is to help people with life skills. Don’t only teach people how to work, let’s teach people how to live and how to assimilate and accumulate far greater treasures than just a salary. 

It not only about what I earned, it’s also about what I learned.
— Burrellism

There is treasure in awareness, understanding, setting goals, reaching into the future, and expanding our horizons. I have been in London this week teaching a sales team how to ask great questions, whom to target, how to follow up and how they efficiently fill their pipelines. The workshop revolved around, “How do I attract my ideal customers?” The larger the challenge, the larger the opportunity! Contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops about mastering the science of achievement and the art of fulfilment.

Crucial Conversations Training


Did you know that I am a certified Crucial Conversations Trainer?
Crucial Conversations teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional and risky topics - at all levels of your organization. By learning how to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you’ll surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions and then act on your decisions with unity and commitment. 

What Is a Crucial Conversation?

A crucial conversation is a discussion between two or more people where the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong. These conversations - when handled poorly or ignored - lead to strained relationships and dismal results.


What Does Crucial Conversations Training Teach?

Crucial Conversations teaches participants how to:

• Speak persuasively, not abrasively

• Foster teamwork and better decision making

• Build acceptance rather than resistance

• Resolve individual and group disagreements


Who Needs Crucial Conversations Training?

Does your organization suffer from taboo topics, deference, disagreement, analysis paralysis, information hoarding, office politics or alienation? Is your organization battling declining productivity, safety violations, low morale, reduced quality, poor customer satisfaction or other bottom-line concerns? Then you, your team, or your organization needs Crucial Conversations Training.

My aim is to guide teams, leaders and entrepreneurs on how to focus on your company’s performance and culture by integrating open communication into the heart of your business. Crucial Conversations workshops are two days and ideally have a minimum of six participant. For further information please contact me.
