
Focus on one small goal

The concept of Zorro Circles is a metaphor for how we can follow our ambitions and achieve our goals by tackling the challenges we face one by one. Gradually, as we become ready, we can complete what we set out to do. I think the basic idea behind the Zorro Circle is that we should limit the scope of our efforts to a small area and as we gain resources, knowledge, and confidence, we expand our circle of control. And embarrassment is a powerful motivator for improvement and the more public the embarrassment, the greater the motivation.

Understand the source

In my experience, most projects that start don’t succeed. Why is that? I think it’s a combination of two things: Empathy, meaning you are building it for yourself and not your audience, and secondly, the persistence and resources to get through the dip - meaning when you hit the hard part when everyone stumbles. The questions you will ask yourself are: Do you have a committed team? Do you have the money in the bank? Do you have the time? This is the moment of truth and what separates the things that get finished and work from the things that get abandoned.

In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.
— Seth Godin