
Contributing to the community

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In today’s fast-paced world, giving takes many forms, from financial donations to volunteering one’s time and energy. While both have value, I think there is a key distinction: money is a renewable resource—you can earn, spend, and regain it—whereas time and energy, once given, are irreplaceable. That’s why true acts of service, those requiring personal effort and commitment, often create deeper connections and fulfilment, triggering the release of oxytocin.

Three key factors

When proposing change, remember that it is typically motivated by one of three factors:

  1. Saving time,

  2. Saving resources,

  3. Saving energy

The questions are:
- How does your value proposition address these points?
- What are you helping your audience save?
Framing your value proposition around these three drivers will help make it more compelling and relevant to your audience's needs.

Learn the difference

Some talk to you in their free time, and some free their time to talk to you. Focus on what you can control and find good mentors to help you make it easier to get out of the door in the mornings and remain motivated throughout the day. It’s a good idea to set yourself up to perform and work in intervals, set out to be consistent instead of making heroic efforts. Success does not come to you because you want it, success comes to you because you do the right things.

Figure it out

It’s not a matter of whether you will succeed, it’s a matter of where you are choosing to take your talents. We can always get more money, but we can’t get any more time as there are only 24 hours in a day, so therefore, time is the most valuable asset. Wherever you go, you already know that your talents include the ability to succeed. I think organisation incentives are not always aligned with what is best for the employees.

Here are a few questions:
·      Where do you want to succeed?
·      How are you going to spend your time?
·      And how do you want to succeed?
·      What are your success criteria going to look like?

Remember things don’t get harder, you just get better at them. The test doesn’t get harder, you just get smarter. Contact me via e-mail for a free, “Where do I go now?” evaluation.

You can afford everything but not anything!


A fundamental principle of micro-economics is that every choice has an opportunity cost. Economists commonly place a value on time to convert an opportunity cost in time into a monetary figure. In other words, opportunity costs represent the potential benefits an individual, investor, or business misses out on when choosing one alternative over another. I think every choice that you make is a trade-off against something else and this does not just apply to your money - it also applies to your time, energy and attention to any limited resource that you need to manage.

The idea of opportunity costs is a major concept in our lives. Saying yes to one thing implicitly means saying no to countless other alternatives and this opens us up to two questions:

  1. What really matters to you? I do not mean what society says should and I do not eat what you previously thought may matter to you. I mean when you take that deep dive and examine yourself, what truly matters in your life.

  2. How do you align your daily, weekly or yearly decisions in a way that reflects that?

Starting with your daily objectives, as answering these two questions is a daily practice and as lost time can be a significant component of opportunity cost, therefore, why are you waiting? Contact me via e-mail for coaching, consulting, workshops or lecturing opportunities.

Learn together, stay together


Cultural and societal shifts over the past 9 months has seen a rise in working from home, a substantial increase in e-commerce and dependency on technology. This in turn has led to a change in the sales function for many companies.

Time - Safety - Meaning
I think that we can increase human psychological safety with training, insight and connection by taking root in moments of vulnerability. In my experience learners should be challenged to connect the learning to what matters to them as this is a reliable formula for creating self connection. Send me an e-mail to book a Zoom meeting.