
We reward good experiences

Consumers benefit from recognisable brand names because they can choose to buy more of a product they like and less of one they don't. Brands serve as the units of selection in the evolutionary marketplace of consumer capitalism. A brand name allows consumers, both individually and collectively, to reward a positive experience with repeat business and penalise a negative experience with a boycott. Therefore, businesses interested in their longevity strive to uphold their promises when these promises are tied to a brand. In contrast, without a brand, there's no investment in maintaining such promises. I think brands contribute to better products, and the absence of brands can damage markets by making it difficult for consumers to confidently choose products or services.

Leading through the fog

Do you think that the market rewards people who are seen as have paid their dues?
I think those of us who have come onto the other side after a dip or misfortune are the ones who seem to be the best at what they do. For example, I don’t just listen to your words, I listen to your tone, I observe your body movements, your eyes, and facial expressions. I interpret your silence and I hear everything that you don’t say, and all these skills are learned behaviour. Whether you or I can turn this skillset into a revenue stream is a whole other question.

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
— Helen Keller

Look over your shoulder


I had never met an owner who was not content if your team increased revenue, reduced expenditure and grew customer satisfaction, until I came to Denmark.

Dear Managers,

Your job is not to make people work harder. Your responsibility to help your team achieve their goals, let them know that their work matters and then recognize and reward those who consistently help the team deliver timely, high quality and positive outcomes. Please contact me via E:, if would like any guidance further clarification on these matters.

Yours faithfully
Stephen Burrell