social skills

Various aspects of life

Life is all about the struggle and challenge to develop ourselves and our skills to see what we can create of value in the marketplace. There is also a social part, a spiritual part as well as the physical part. Personal development is not an easy matter, new habits don’t come easy, but they can be developed. We all have heard the old saying that “Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.” Therefore, you have to read the books, learn the skills, put yourself through the paces, do the mental press ups and get yourself ready.

Inspiration must lead to discipline as it’s one thing to be motivated, and another thing to be motivated sufficiently to take the classes, do the reading, do the repetition, go through it over and over until it becomes part of you and those are challenges. They are not easy, but they are challenges that if you win, develop and grow that’s what will determine your place, your return (equity) and the work you get from the marketplace.

“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.”
— Jim Rohn

What now?

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A wise man once told me: “Be careful who you let on your ship, because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can’t be the captain.” Based on what you now know, is this the best course of action? If not, what else could you do? Here’s a few tips on how to improve social skills:

1.    Say 'Thank you'
2.   Say 'Please'
3.   Listen without interrupting
4.   Do not brag
5.   Wait your turn
6.   Choose kind over clever
7.    Hold doors open longer
8.   Forgive first
9.   Talk less, but say more
10.  Show gratitude
11.  Do not respond to negativity
12.  Be humble

The start of the work week

I have never let any constraints block my path. Here’s a few tips in how to improve your social skills:

  1. Say 'Thank you'

  2. Say 'Please'

  3. Listen without interrupting

  4. Do not brag

  5. Wait your turn

  6. Choose kind over clever

  7. Hold doors open longer

  8. Forgive first

  9. Talk less, but say more

  10. Show gratitude

  11. Do not respond to negativity

  12. Be humble

“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love…”
— Marcus Aurelius