
Make a better argument

Diverse groups have to think harder about the problem because they tend to disagree with each other and therefore, have to have better arguments. I think you can compare diverse groups to going to the gym. When you go to the gym if you stand still then nothing happens. You have to push yourself, use your muscles and then you’ll see that the pain that you feel in your muscles is going to lead to some benefits, and these are the benefits that you want. This is the same thing as diversity, the discomfort that you feel when you’re interacting with someone who looks different from you – who has a different accent than you, who’s a little harder to understand. The hard work that you’re doing will pay off.

Don't complain, don't explain


I think that the mind is our individual mental factory and what you read pours a massive amount of ingredients into your mental factory. Subsequently, the quality of your life will be built on those ingredients. Everyday, I stand guard at the door of my mind, and I decide what goes into my mental factory as I have to live with the results. I would advise you to select the right ingredients, keep out the wrong ingredients and acknowledge that it all starts with thought. In my opinion, everything starts with thought, so you must be wise and careful about what you think about.

As a child, I remember the first time I heard the Henry Ford quotation, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” I immediately knew that our lives are affected most by the way we think things are and poor thinking habits will keep most people poor. We need to get upset, we need to get disturbed and this motivates us to do something about it and change our behaviour. It’s only when we feel hurt enough that we will do something about it. Contact me via e-mail and I will awaken you to the pain that already exists and then guide you with solutions for that pain.