
How to inspire your team

“To inform is for free, ‘the how to’ is for a fee.”
— Stephen Burrell

This is my go to mantra whenever the smart people asked if I could help them with this or that. Today I have made an exception, as I feel that many managers and leaders need a little spark in these difficult times. How to inspire your team:

  • Show that you care

  • Build people up

  • Listen with empathy

  • Treat people with respect

  • Showcase their strengths 

Future proofing our youngsters


Someone asked me the other day about what I thought our youngsters should be learning in order to counter the threat of AI (artificial intelligence). Here’s what I think and not in any particular order:

  1. Public speaking

  2. Project management

  3. Negotiation

  4. Conflict resolution

  5. Critical thinking

  6. The art of selling

  7. Storytelling

  8. People management

  9. Customer service

  10. Marketing

Why me


I have been a director, senior leader and commercial executive with experience of running teams, and I have a proven track record of exceeding results in highly demanding environments from start-ups to corporates. Through my varied professional experience, I have gained a deep understanding how effective relationships impact the bottom line.

Over the past few years I have used my coaching, active listening and mentoring skills to help organisations to get better feedback from their customers and subsequently improving business results by changing how they deal with customers. As part of this focus, I examine strategy, culture, interaction design, customer service, branding and leadership practices.

I am passionate about spotting emerging best practices and helping companies master them and I also speak about these topics in keynotes and lecturing engagements. Contact me via e-mail and let’s arrange a non-binary virtual meeting to discuss collaboration opportunities.

Just keep practicing


Now, more than ever, we need to be equipped with sharp skills, fresh ideas, more drive and new techniques in order to achieve our goals. 

Respect the power of words, choose them with care, speak them with heart and listen to them with sincerity. With a little practice every day you will slowly and surely get there. It may take time, so trust the process and don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as mistakes mean that you are trying.