
You can lead without a title

Leadership is no longer about your position, it’s more about your passion for excellence and making a difference. It’s the execution that takes focus, effort, discipline and patience. In business, if you take care of the relationship the money will follow. If you obsess about giving customers 10 times the value they expect, they will beat a path to your door. That’s what this rule you mention is all about; remembering to wow customers, and teammates, every time you have the privilege to encounter them.

To have the results that very few have, we must be willing to start doing the things that very few are willing to do.
— Robin Sharma

An important subject for leaders to study is rationality, I mean being able to correctly conclude a rational, sensible course based on information. As a leader it’s also important to let everybody around you be helpful, but then put that through your own mental computer and make sure what you do is the product of what you’ve concluded based on all the input. I think developing rationality based on all the input is a true sense of leadership.

Nurture and give

Why are brands with clear and consistent messages far more likely to close the sale than the ones who pursue a matrixed approach?
Brands with one major promise are far more likely to be successful because they focus their efforts on discovering the most important thing that the buyer is concerned about. And I think the odds of winning the sale are far higher if you focus on that one thing. Framing your message takes discipline and it’s important to take a courageous strategy. You don’t necessarily have to give people more information, just help them to solve their emotional needs.

What is the right approach to account-based marketing?
The job of a salesperson is straightforward. The job is to listen to understand what is the most important thing that the buyer wants and then help them achieve it. Values will get you through the door; risk mitigation will get you the deal.

Tomorrow can never be the same as yesterday


As a person of colour living in Denmark I really don’t understand why whole idea of racial injustice is not being thoroughly investigated. The locals think it’s not my problem and the culture is very seductive. We will always have these two things competing against each other! The game to keep things same and safe, and my game to make things interesting and better. 

Tolerance is not about not having beliefs. It is about how your beliefs lead you to treat people who disagree with you. Sometimes we think that as creative people discipline stifles creativity. I think that discipline allows us to focus on what matters, and when we focus on what matters, we get more clarity and space in our minds to be creative.