
Managerial experience

The higher up you are in an organisation, the more important vision and creativity become, but you still must have the skills required to manage and lead well. Some young entrepreneurs start with the vision and creativity and then develop their management skills as they scale their companies; others start with management skills and develop their creative vision as they climb up the ladder. Just like great musicians, all great managers have both creativity and technical skills. And no manager at any level can expect to succeed without the skill set of an organisational engineer.

“Knowledge is having the right answers. Intelligence is asking the right questions. Wisdom is knowing when to ask the right questions.”
— Professor Richard Feynman

Taking risks

Effective communication is crucial for leaders as it enables them to convey their vision, goals, and expectations clearly while also actively listening to their team. Leaders who consistently champion creativity foster innovative thinking and problem-solving among their team members, thereby nurturing trust and reliability within the group. In addition to this, a crucial leadership skill involves the adept management and resolution of conflicts within the team. I think understanding and respecting diverse cultures and perspectives is also important, especially in diverse teams or global organisations.

Same same but different

When we find ourselves swimming in an ocean where everybody is trying to make similar content, the differences will be found in the intention of why people are making the content. And I think this is going to be the difference between why things work and why things don't work. The world is saturated with coaches, change your life books, do-gooders, etc., etc. The more successful we get the more of a test it is for the purity of the reasons why we create, and no one is exempt from that. We have to remain mindful and surround ourselves with people who tell you the truth, even though it can be hurtful, the truth is so important.

The 4 C's

Why are these skills important?

1. Communication
I think communication is all about sharing thoughts, ideas, and questions. Communication can come in many it’s not just speaking verbally as non-verbal cues such as hand gestures and facial expressions are just as important. And nowadays, as we live in a digital world, it is also important to learn how to responsibly navigate digital spaces.

2. Collaboration
I think the ability to collaborate and work together to reach a common goal is a skill worth practicing. Problem solving and tackling issues in which are bigger is essential if you want a career in any field. 

3. Critical Thinking
I think by looking at problems in a new way and simply asking “Why?” in today’s world where we can get information at the click of a button, a large part of critical thinking is being able to look at information and decide if it is credible or not.

4. Creativity
I think being creative is trying new approaches to solve problems by simply thinking outside the box in any area. Creativity can be taught and fostered by encouraging your team to try new things and by creating a safe space for them to express themselves.

How creative are you?

How creative do you think you are? 

Creativity comes from inside and I believe that having the ability to think out of the box and experiment with things is the engine of achievement. We live on the fruits of rationalism and curiosity is the fuel to keep us awake and aware. I think that when you are creative, you will be able to turn new and imaginative ideas into reality.

Comme Ci, Comme Ça


I was recently asked this question: Why are we competing when we can create? After a few days of contemplation, I am now ready to answer it! I think that it’s OK to be different as there are many great minds with solutions to big problems out there who are being blocked by the same problem? There are so many opportunities in every industry to create and make a difference, we need to know how to get there in order to move from competing to creating.

I guarantee that you will feel empowered when you start to pick up on that divine purpose you have for being here on the planet. All the roadblocks in your way will be more easily overcome. In reality, everyone wants to work for an organisation and in a team where there is meaning behind what they do. I think what makes you unique and stand out from the sea of competition is: “Who you are and how you work with people, and how you do what you do and the beliefs and values that you emphasise in your process.” Contact me via e-mail when you are ready to look at your roadmap. 

There's nothing wrong with you

nothing wrong.jpg

The general consensus for creative people is that discipline stifles creativity, I’m not sure that is the case. I think that in reality discipline allows you to focus on what matters. And when you to focus on what matters, you get more clarity and space in your mind to be creative. You should be seeking to solve the problems of the people you seek to serve. And the only way you can solve the problems of the people you seek to serve is to know what their problems are. 

I think that marketing is not the same as advertising, marketing is not about hyping lousy stuff. Marketing is about telling a true story to people who want to hear it. In my experience marketing at its best is when we make things better that are seen and understood by the target audience. I think that if there is a person, cause, organisation or brand that you care about it’s because they do good marketing. Contact me via e-mail for a non-binary meeting about your organisations marketing engagement.

Tomorrow can never be the same as yesterday


As a person of colour living in Denmark I really don’t understand why whole idea of racial injustice is not being thoroughly investigated. The locals think it’s not my problem and the culture is very seductive. We will always have these two things competing against each other! The game to keep things same and safe, and my game to make things interesting and better. 

Tolerance is not about not having beliefs. It is about how your beliefs lead you to treat people who disagree with you. Sometimes we think that as creative people discipline stifles creativity. I think that discipline allows us to focus on what matters, and when we focus on what matters, we get more clarity and space in our minds to be creative.