
The result is the same

There are two different perspectives on finding satisfaction and solving problems.

1.     Diminish your wants by finding contentment within oneself rather than seeking external material possessions. Here one would focus on gratitude, mindfulness, and personal growth.

2.     By increasing your means or resources one can improve their quality of life and find contentment. This approach aligns with the pursuit of material possessions, wealth, and external achievements.

There’s a psychological solution to happiness or the materialistic economic version. Both perspectives have their merits, and the choice between them ultimately depends on personal values, beliefs, and circumstances. I think it's important to note that these perspectives are not mutually exclusive, and individuals may incorporate elements from both approaches to find their own unique path to fulfillment.


Ikigai (生き甲斐, "ee-kee-guy") is a Japanese concept that describes the things that make your life worthwhile; the things that give you a deep sense of purpose, satisfaction and joy. Ikigai is made up of two Japanese words, iki (生き), which means life, and kai (甲斐), meaning effect, result, value, benefit, or worth. Iki and kai come together to give us ikigai: a reason to live/to exist.

Less measurable, more meaningful


The world of work is changing, and changing in very fundamental ways. We are just at the start of another period of uncertainty and significant disruption partly driven by Covid-19, partly driven by the collapse into irrelevance of old ways of working, and partly driven by the changing expectations of the workforce. This is going to be longer and more significant period of change than most people realise and we will need stories to help us make sense of what is happening.

Our global economy desperately needs more alternatives to the conventional corporate model. I think it’s important to know that you don’t have to follow the conventional norms and you do have other options. The new era will see more and more organisations putting purpose before profits. Are you interested in learning how to improve your customer lifetime value by providing purpose and satisfaction?