problem solving

The result is the same

There are two different perspectives on finding satisfaction and solving problems.

1.     Diminish your wants by finding contentment within oneself rather than seeking external material possessions. Here one would focus on gratitude, mindfulness, and personal growth.

2.     By increasing your means or resources one can improve their quality of life and find contentment. This approach aligns with the pursuit of material possessions, wealth, and external achievements.

There’s a psychological solution to happiness or the materialistic economic version. Both perspectives have their merits, and the choice between them ultimately depends on personal values, beliefs, and circumstances. I think it's important to note that these perspectives are not mutually exclusive, and individuals may incorporate elements from both approaches to find their own unique path to fulfillment.

Divide and conquer

Problem solving is the process of identifying a problem, developing possible solution paths, and taking the appropriate course of action to solve the problem. Problem solving is an essential skill in both your personal and professional life. When framing a performance issues, I think it makes sense to break them down into smaller problems and ask yourself the following questions:
1. Is it a skill problem? 

2. Is it a hill problem?
3. Is it a will problem?
Contact me via e-mail for problem solving training.

Solving problems

Everyone experiences problems at work, but how we approach these problems makes all the difference in how well we resolve them in an efficient manner. In fact, just like there is a process for solving mathematical problems there is a process for solving business and life problems as well. It requires that you approach the problem systematically and in an organised fashion.
Here are a few steps you can follow:
1)    Clearly define the problem,
2)    Identify the causes of the problem,
3)    Gather all the facts relating to the problem,
4)    Review the options available for solving the problem.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
— Albert Einstein

Just another day

Marketing isn’t advertising or hype, it’s not shortcutting, it’s not selfish, it’s not pushing people to do things they don’t want to do! I define marketing as work that matters for people who care. It’s the work of making things better, doing things that you are proud of. I think marketing isn't about selling products; it's about solving problems and creating value for your customers.

·  Do not brag about how busy you are, instead let your work speak for itself.
·  Do not brag about how much you know, instead teach others.
·  Do not brag about who you know, instead connect like-minded people.
·  Do not brag about the past, instead celebrate the present.

Figuring out a way

Sometimes you have to take things out of your head and put it on paper. In order to come up with the solutions we really have to know what the problem is, and you cannot come up with good answers unless you know the whole problem. I think that if you ask the following questions you will be able to solve almost any problem:

  1. What could I do?

  2. What could I read?

  3. Who could I ask?

Productive meetings

One to one meeting’s are an excellent way to develop leadership and improve performance, but are these meetings productive? This is a good question as I have many years’ experiences from consulting and coaching organisations of every size, from start-ups to multi-nationals. I think one should focus on your attitude, efforts, and actions, and I do this by guiding you through a process which will improve communication between you and your team. I look at 3 phases:

1.     What’s the problem and what are the outcomes we can achieve by solving these problems? And this has got nothing to do with the product or service, it’s all about understanding what’s the most important thing for the client.

2.     How are we going to solve the problem and achieve the outcomes we want?

3.     Who are we going to do this with?

Problem solvers


If what makes you unique and stand out from the competition is who you are, then the big question is who are you? Another question would be based around your belief system, how do you do what you do? Over the 12 months, I have time to think about not only myself but also how organisations will operate post Covid.

There are more questions than answers, I think that all progressive organisations will have to take a deeper dive into understanding their competition and where they position themselves in the market place. Are interested in laying the foundations for creating a culture where everyone in your organisation works towards the success of everybody? Contact me via e-mail for a meeting.

No one needs what you are selling


No one needs what you are selling, they may want it but they definitely don’t need it! Sometimes it’s OK that the goal is to understand for the sake of understanding. I think the hallmark of curiosity is a thirst for knowledge that has no obvious utility. As I am a lifelong learner, I enjoy exploration regardless of whether the discovery has any immediate relevance. I have never been in the position of selling water to thirsty people! I have always had to use my skills to formulate the brand promise - explaining who’s it for, what’s it for and why you should buy it…

Nowadays, the majority of people are working at home and those of you with young children have the opportunity teach them two of life’s most valuable lessons:

  1. To solve interesting problems
    To look at something that no one has ever looked at before and come up with an interesting way to solve the problem.

  2. To connect, to lead and use emotional labour

    Using emotional labour by looking someone in the eye and telling them the truth. Emotional labour means doing things that you don’t feel like doing.