trusted advisor

This is revealing

Can you see your own blind spots?

The very notion of a blind spot means that we cannot see it ourselves, therefore, we often need an external perspective to identify them. For example, a trusted advisor, mentor or coach, somebody who can show us another set of lenses and partnerships are crucial to this journey as it’s really difficult to do this all on your own. A simple mathematics analogy, there are adders and subtracters, there are multipliers and dividers, and they are all around us - What do these people look like to you? What do you look like to them? What kind of energy are you bringing and what type of energy are you receiving? These types of journeys are much easier to take together in partnership with a coach or mentor, there is no recipe and there will be challenges along the journey. I do not have ‘a just do this solution’ as everyone is different.

As a coach I offer guidance, skill development, and accountability. Are you ready to look at your blind spots? Contact me via email arrange a short discovery meeting when you are ready for unbiased feedback,

An age-old issue

Transparency plays a crucial role in sales, and one essential aspect of it involves openly sharing the deals you can provide. This entails demonstrating to your clients the various resources at your disposal, your ability to secure funding, and the potential for discounts. Such openness fosters a sense of partnership, encouraging clients to engage more readily. Additionally, gaining insight into their budget, priorities, and buying processes aligns you more closely with their requirements, thus increasing the likelihood of a fruitful collaboration. I think sales excellence is about building strong relationships with clients and being transparent about your strengths and weaknesses. And by becoming a trusted advisor to your clients, you can create long-term partnerships that benefit both parties. Remember, transparency is not just essential in sales, but in life as well.

Become a trusted advisor

Imagine walking into a room and confidently sharing your keen observations about the current market trends. You outline the potential implications for companies and individuals who resist change. These insights are backed by your values and beliefs about the market's direction, and you find yourself at the intersection between your expertise and your clients' businesses.

You boldly present your recommendations, explaining that you stand firmly behind them. Your thoughtfulness and reflection have given you the ability to anticipate your clients' needs even before they are aware of them. This foresight establishes you as a trusted advisor in their eyes. By combining your unique perspective on the market with a deep understanding of your clients' challenges and aspirations, you can guide them towards success. As a result, you build strong and lasting relationships, cementing your reputation as a reliable and valued partner in their business endeavours. Contact me via e-mail for a 1:1 meeting.

Fine-tune your sales processes

What makes your sales team run like a well-oiled machine?
In sales we always want to be the trusted advisor, and you only need two things to be a trusted advisor - trust and advice! And if you don’t have the advice part, then you are not the guide. If you’re hard pressed to pinpoint how your sales team is effective, you may need to rethink your strategy. It isn’t enough to give your sales team skills to boost sales, you may also need to equip them with the right tools to increase your revenue. I think every human being has the need for someone to show them the way. Contact me via e-mail to discuss a workshop for your sales team, for example, pipeline management.