
A professional practice

Working as a consultant has given me substantial experience with motivating and inspiring team members to take ownership of their work is a valuable skill that can help to create a productive and successful work environment. I do this by creating an environment where everyone feels invested in the success of the organisation, fostering a sense of teamwork and collaboration which leads to improved morale and higher levels of productivity.

“A wise old owl lived in an oak;
The more he saw the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard:
Why can’t we all be like that bird?”
— Edward Hersey Richards

Perspective is everything

No one person can decide in big companies, there will always be a variety of stakeholders and different groups that must be involved. Our job as a consultant is to present inputs for them to build a business case and then highlight how we add value. I think one of the cornerstones of our success will be the ability to structure our business development process in a way that suits our customers needs. Where we are selling the pain that we are solving for them and then presenting it with numbers and results.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.
— Albert Einstein

Where do I apply my skills?

I think selling is both an art and a science. It’s all about leveraging quality content that’s visually engaging which is deep and consultative. It’s also important to pay homage to the science of selling and the need for buyers to be able to justify their decisions with logic. I’ve been analysed and various people have tried to pick my brain about my process. By me telling you what attributes you are going to need, doesn’t mean that you are going to have them. I don’t want to be dogmatic or stubborn about what selling is, as my process is a set of attributes that have worked well for me both personally and professionally.

Always add value

What you want is to be so specific in what you stand for, that people will search for you by name. We should aim to become the type of person, or should I say make the type of contribution that people search for by name. Remember the more specific you are, the more the likelihood that this will happen. In my experience, it’s far easier to love what you do than to do what you love.


I’m a business consultant, sales trainer, and keynote speaker and I’m not there to look good, I’m there to make my clients look good, simply put it’s never about me, it’s always about them. This is a new challenge for me to look at myself and ask, where am I being generous so that an organisation or person, I care about has changed for the better. I aim to do this over and over again and I never position price, I always position the value.