
Improvement is always possible

Self-management is the ability to regulate and control your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours effectively. It consists of four key components:

  1. Self-control – Managing upsetting emotions to maintain focus and emotional balance.

  2. Positive outlook – Seeing the bright side of situations, even in the face of challenges.

  3. Adaptability – Adjusting to changing circumstances while embracing a growth mindset. It’s the belief that improvement is always possible.

  4. Achievement orientation – Staying focused on meaningful goals despite daily distractions. Goal-setting also serves as a powerful tool for emotional self-management.

Take action

Being a lifelong learner isn’t about taking pride in your knowledge. It's about having the humility to know what you don’t know. I think the most effective employees have excellent self-management skills. Once they know what to do, they will independently navigate the methods for how to do it. All they need is a common goal, and leadership is about creating and articulating a vision that resonates with them, and then building consensus around the common goal.

“Take action!
An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention.”
— Steve Maraboli