Professor Richard Feynman

Morning thoughts

I woke up this morning with Professor Richard Feynman quote reverberating around my head: “If you cannot be corrected without being offended, then you will not truly grow in life.”

1. When you are alone, mind your thoughts
2. When you are with friends, mind your words
3. When you are angry, mind your temper
4. When you are with a group, mind your behavior
5. When you are stressed, mind your emotions
6. When you are winning, mind your ego

I can see clearly now

Your perspective is always limited to the extent of your knowledge. I think by broadening your understanding, you open doors to transforming your mindset. By delving into your true history can empower you, instilling boldness, and self-confidence. Not everything needs a reaction; instead master your emotions by training your mind to stay calm, think, and then act with purpose.

“If you cannot be corrected without being offended, then you will not truly grow in life.”
— Professor Richard Feynman

Managerial experience

The higher up you are in an organisation, the more important vision and creativity become, but you still must have the skills required to manage and lead well. Some young entrepreneurs start with the vision and creativity and then develop their management skills as they scale their companies; others start with management skills and develop their creative vision as they climb up the ladder. Just like great musicians, all great managers have both creativity and technical skills. And no manager at any level can expect to succeed without the skill set of an organisational engineer.

“Knowledge is having the right answers. Intelligence is asking the right questions. Wisdom is knowing when to ask the right questions.”
— Professor Richard Feynman

All that glitters is not gold

Optimism is essential to achievement and it’s also the foundation of courage and true progress. I think optimism can be a powerful driving force that motivates individuals and leaders to take risks, overcome challenges, and work toward their objectives. While optimism is crucial, leaders must also be grounded in facts and reality. Blind optimism without considering the practical aspects and potential obstacles can lead to poor decision-making. As an authentic leader it’s important to remember to balance this optimism with facts and reality.

“Knowledge is having the right answers.
Intelligence is asking the right questions.
Wisdom is knowing when to ask the right questions.”
— Professor Richard Feynman

Feel good factors

Tirana 2023

The more someone tells you how strong they are the less likely their strength is real. The more someone posts images of their perfect body the less likely they feel perfect in it. I think people should focus on winning their inside game because once you open the faucet of external validation it never fills.

“Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.”
— Professor Richard Feynman

Pave the way

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As a leader your job is to help people get clarity on the things that matter the most. Clarity about the purpose will help translate the next steps for action to achieve the desired outcome. Marcus Buckingham said, “Effective leaders don’t have to be passionate. They don’t have to be charming. They don’t have to be brilliant…They don’t have to be great speakers. What they must be is clear. Above all else, they must never forget the truth that of all the human universals…our need for clarity is the most likely to engender in us confidence, persistence, resilience, and creativity.” I think clarity leads to attention and attention leads to results.

“If you cannot explain something in simple terms, you do not understand it.”
— Professor Richard Feynman

Health = Wealth

There are few talents more richly rewarded with both wealth and power in countries around the world than the ability to convince backward people that their problems are caused by other people who are more advanced. Remember that effort gets noticed, results get awarded and you are wealthy when you can freely decide what to do with your time. Self-awareness means reading the room and balancing one’s contributions to ensure a value exchange that benefits all. I think it’s about balancing ambition with value, knowing when to speak and when to listen. Knowing that given a choice of being clever or kind, being kind is right choice.

“Stupidity is knowing the truth, seeing the truth but still believing the lies. And that is more infectious than any other disease.”
— Professor Richard Feynman

Education vs. intellect

I love people who have no idea how wonderful they are and just wander around making the world a better place. I think you attract good people into your life based on your character, not possessions, appearance, or intellect.

Never confuse education with intelligence. Intelligence isn’t the ability to remember and repeat, like they teach you in school. Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use our knowledge to adapt to new situations.
— Professor Richard Feynman