
Deepen your understanding

A military general is a strategist who does not react impulsively to every situation. Instead, general’s have a strategy and a plan for when things occur, they pay close attention, take a step back, assess the situation, and only then decide the best way to allocate their energy, time, and resources. This allows them to create an effective plan of action for their next move. In contrast, those who are constantly reacting to events are not strategists; they lack the calmness required for thoughtful planning. I like information because it allows me to understand what has happened and determine the best course of action. And with the necessary information, I can make informed decisions and move forward effectively. The only time I struggle to strategise is when I don't have all the information I need.

“Sometimes I am so clever that I do not understand a single word of what I am saying.”
— Oscar Wilde

Embrace the challenges

Part of being an adult is that you have to plan your day. If you know you’re capable of more, a big reason why you’re not doing what you said you were going to do is because you didn’t plan out when you were going to do it. Nowadays, we are all dancing on a template trying to figure out how to deal with our current circumstances. There are always lot of ups and downs and I have accepted that it is supposed to be this way - What about you?
My mantra for April will be as follows: “I’m really excited about all the chaos in my life, and I am really looking forward to see how it all plays out.”

We deserve your money

The majority of management is about rational planning of things that are entirely in their control. The obsession with planning, quantification and rationalisation arguments means that we are automatically constrained to doing those things which makes sense in advance. It’s not safe to assume that the incentives and interests of individual employees are necessarily well aligned with the interests of the organisation. I think in reality, what your business depends on are citizens whose behaviour can only be influenced obliquely, they can’t be controlled - in other words you can’t tell your customers what to buy.

Act now

Strategic planning is the ongoing organisational process of using available knowledge to document a business's intended direction. This process is used to prioritise efforts, effectively allocate resources, align shareholders and employees, and ensure organisational goals are backed by data and sound reasoning. Goal setting is a purposeful and explicit process that starts with identifying a new objective, skill, or project you want to achieve. I think it’s important that you make a plan for achieving it, and you work to complete your goals. I am a skilled developer in strategic planning from conception to implementation. Contact me via e-mail for executive coaching and team assessments, as well as organisational assessments and strategic planning.

Everyone thinks they are the best

Mammals are naturally territorial animals and view strangers as a threat. In nature, unfamiliar creatures pose a threat when they encroach on an animal's territory. How do you build trust with new people? How good is your judgement about what to work on? The process, your skill set, and your ability is the secret to success.


Everyone knows that sales professionals need to ask lots of questions, but what questions should you ask?
-  Are they written down?
-  Have planned them out?
-  Are they sequenced?
-  Are you taking the client from where they are to where they need to be?


Selling is a performance, knowing the elements of your products or services is just a tiny part. I think it’s all about how well you ask questions and uncover the client’s needs and then design your questions to build interest in your products or services. Focus on what you can control, and you have control over your strategy, tactics, and planning. Contact me via e-mail for developing yourself and a review of how well you are executing your sales strategy.