
Back in the days

I wrote this text in 5 years ago…
”SB Consultancy is a customer experience research and consulting firm that helps organisations become more customer-centric.  My goal is simple: accelerate the path to delighting customers. I am a strategic optimiser, helping organisations improve business results by changing how they deal with customers. As part of this focus, I examine strategy, culture, interaction design, customer service, branding and leadership practices. I am passionate about spotting emerging best practices and helping companies master them and I also speak about these topics in keynotes and lecturing engagements.”

Perceptions of truth are relative

People will only ever understand you from their level of perception, therefore, their perception is real, and the truth is not or that it is subjective. The truth refers to objective facts and realities that exist independently of our perceptions or beliefs about them. While different people may have different perspectives and interpretations of the truth, the truth itself remains constant and unchanging. I think it’s important to recognise that our perceptions and interpretations are limited by our own experiences and biases, and that they many not always align with the objective truth. However, when we seek to understand and analyse, we will come closer to understanding the truth and making informed decisions based on it.

We can do it better

I do not define marketing as hype, advertising, promotion, scamming with selfish, narcissistic short-term thinking. Marketing is telling true stories that spread stories that change people’s opinion or their actions. One key element is that there is a community of people that care about what you are doing and want to go where you are going. Essentially every successful community that I can think of needs people from a diverse background, experience, and a point of view. I think that if the people in your community are moving in the same direction, then everything is going to be alright.


Luck is all about the amount of work, preparation, and time you put into your craft. As a marketing professional, the more we can connect those people and amplify them, the more likely it will be that our marketing will succeed. When we are willing to take responsibility for the work we are doing, then we are bringing something to the world. If you do it better, it will work better…
Contact me via e-mail for marketing workshops.

A good fit

I’m always trying to identify how I can be of service to others. I’ve had mentors in my career, and I’ve also learned from being in the trenches for many years. When choosing a mentor you should ask yourself whether you admire this person for his or her achievements and industry experience. I think your mentor should ideally be someone who shares your professional outlook and perhaps has even accomplished the goals you hope to achieve. I’m a student of the selling game and am constantly looking at best practices and at people who have positive influences both on people and revenue. Therefore, I think that it’s really important to pick your mentor carefully as they have to spend time with you as well.

Guiding entrepreneurs

Sometimes being an entrepreneur can be really lonely. Mentors can help to open hives of thought that an entrepreneur may not have considered. Mentoring is an age-old practice of transferring knowledge and experience through personal relationships. The benefits of having a business mentor is often overlooked by eager entrepreneurs who want that instant gratification. A mentor can help entrepreneurs learn how to navigate many of the challenges typically faced by social entrepreneurs.

Mentors have been present in all walks of life and all disciplines for thousands of years and a good mentor will teach you how to think, not what to think. Contact me via e-mail if you are looking for a business professional with the experience to provide personalised support, sound business advice and encouragement to help you develop your own abilities and insights.

A little bit about me

c/o BBC

c/o BBC

My skill set is not industry specific, I have dotted across different industries as a consultant and had a good varied career across the board. I am fortunate to have worked for a mix of large corporations right through to new start-ups, and everything in between. I think the definition of a creative is showing up, doing the work and putting it out there even when you have no idea if it will resonate. What do you think?

I’ve done the start-up thing where you are fumbling around trying to find  the right product-market fit and your not entirely sure what they might be and you are leveraging your network to get some deals done. It’s fun but I think that it’s not necessarily sustainable for me and with my skill set, I prefer to work for organisations that have least have a little bit of product-make fit, and have some established customers so you can build upon. I’ve also worked in some hugeorganisations which are a polar opposite of start-ups, they are great for getting your foot in the door because everybody will see you because you have that brand recognition. In terms of getting anything done internally or creatively, it is a lot more challenging than to sell, due to the corporate politics.

The science of possibility

If you can’t explain it, it’s not wired in your brain but if you can build the model and explain it, you will be installing the neurological hardware into your brain in preparation for the experience. Therefore, the more you understand what you are doing and why - the how will get easier because you can assign meaning to it.

The people who get their intentions to match their behaviours, their actions equal to their thoughts and then get the mind and body to work together - are going to have a new experience. The experience is not only going to enrich the philosophical circuits in the brain, because experience does that, it will produce an emotion. So then they will begin to feel unlimited, they will  begin to feel free, they will start teaching their body chemically what the mind has always understood. Happy days! Contact me via e-mail for mentoring or coaching.

Ageism simply isn't helpful

age vs. experience.jpg

According the the World Health Organization by 2050, the world’s population aged 60 years and older is expected to total 2 billion, up from 900 million in 2015. As I get older, I better understand the following:

  1. Lost money can be found; lost time is lost forever.

  2. Learning to learn, and changing yourself is a superpower.

  3. You are not your job.

  4. Networking is about giving.

  5. The best teacher is your last mistake.

  6. Good manners as important as good education.

I think that experience and wisdom take time and effort to accumulate, and sharing those things can be a significant blessing to others. Contact me via e-mail and let me know what do you think?

Your DNA does not change

via The Guardian

via The Guardian

We all have the same DNA sequence as when we were born, what makes each of us unique is the interplay between our DNA and environment. My experiences have taught me that it’s not, '“Can you go with me, it’s can you grow with me?” It’s only when we have shared philosophies, the seasons will change our reality. Unfortunately, many of us keep trying to hold onto our last season without discovering the beauty of the season we are in now. Eternal youth is not real, there is nothing wrong with being 40, especially if you explore 40 and re-pivot into the beauty of being 40. And if you are still in doubt, just ask an 80 year old.

Stages and ages have repercussions on how we get along. We are constantly in motion, we are constantly evolving and are constantly becoming, so we should not look back at the transition with envy. I think getting older is something that should be celebrated and getting old is a gift. Sometimes we forget that, and as time goes on is inevitable, it’s not going to stop for us. I think we can either embrace the process or not and personally, I don’t want to miss the beauty of grey hair and love through wrinkled eyes.

Question: Why me?


What can I bring of experience and competence that can potentially beat a candidate with industry experience?
The love of winning! Sometimes an “outsider” can see a smarter way of doing it as I would have to learn the procedures and performance routines. And when you are learning a performance, you model yourself after the smartest way, which more often than not is also the best way.

Too many of us think the best people are the people who are metaphorically speaking, screaming “look at me” the loudest, and talking down to the rest of us. They are not the best!
The best people are out in the field - doing it - showing you the distinctions, articulating to you about what has worked for them, so you can benefit from their experiences. I think it’s genius to learn from other peoples mistakes, not in a miraculous way.

Too many of us have to learn from our mistakes several times before we really learn from them. Contact me via e-mail for sparring, mentoring or guidance.

Say Thank You!


The path to transformation is by embracing life everyday with openness. You can start on the path wherever you are, everyone is in the position to say that this situation is difficult but I am grateful for having a higher self that can find a solution. Acknowledging this path can transform any experience from darkness to light. It’s like having a torch in a dark forest where the only thing that matters is the next step that you see ahead of you.


How should you live life when you are on this path? It’s easy to feel grateful when life is going well, yet not everyday is like that! Most days are a mixture of negative and positive situations, emotions and feedback at home and work. I think that we only need two tools on the path: knowledge and experience. Knowledge gives you the vision of the bigger picture that you can trust, and experience validates that the experience is true. When we achieve even more knowledge and experience - complaints are transformed into light and wonder and gloom changes to joy. This acknowledgement that you are being guided by the light inside of you is the beginning of the journey.

Dark vs. light; good vs. bad; us vs. them, whoever them happens to be!
Getting beyond these opposites is important, not that you should give up and let the darkness creep in but so you stop being stuck in conflict. To be in the light, you must open yourself to it, which is different from constantly struggling against the darkness. Contact me via e-mail when you are ready to take a deeper dive into this arena.