
Success follows the bold

I think you have control when you take charge of your life, emotions, and goals, as this helps you stay calm and confident in tough situations. One has to stay focused on your goals and stick to good habits as this commitment enables you to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward. Challenge yourself to see difficulties as opportunities for growth and be eager to try new things and push yourself to improve. The belief in yourself and your abilities builds confidence, which is crucial for staying strong during tough times and persevering even after making mistakes.

Breaking promises

The size of the commitments we keep to ourselves correlates to the size of the rewards we receive at the other end. For example, if we keep big commitments to ourselves their influence on our self-esteem and the narrative we tell ourselves can be used as evidence about who we really are. Conversely, I think if you break small promises to yourself then you’ll sow the seeds of doubt and weaken your resolve when it come to the larger ones.

Leadership commitments

When employees believe what you believe they will work for you with their metaphorically speaking, blood, sweat and tears. When employees don’t believe what you believe they will work only for your money. I think it’s best to be a leader who commits to their employees, and he acronym ”C.O.M.M.I.T.S“ stands for:
C = Create a shared vision
O = Own the results
M = Measure progress
M = Motivate your team
I = Inspire with your actions
T = Take calculated risks
S = Stay focused and disciplined

Moving away from servant leadership

There is so much uncertainty in the world right now so we have to make sure that there is an approach to both respond to change and anticipate what changes may be out there so we can keep re-orientating our direction. What is the D.A.C framework? The D.A.C framework is an alternative to the traditional follower > goal > leadership model. Central to the DAC framework for leadership is the group’s shared belief in how direction, alignment, and commitment can be produced. Direction is the overall group mission and goals; alignment is the necessary coordination of action within the collective group and commitment is the willingness of the group members to put personal interests secondary to that of the collective interest and benefit for your organisation.

How to change everything?

The effects of Covid-19 and the measures put in place to combat it over the past 7 months have brought severe changes to all our lives. It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. The pandemic has shown me, almost instantly, that the path I had anticipated for 2020 was not going to materialize.

True curiosity is not simply the gathering of information, it’s the questioning of information gathered. I think we have to get better at asking our audience what they want from us, improve how we engage with consumers and re-evaluate our business models. You don’t need permission from people to lead them, they are waiting, we are are all waiting for you to show us where to go next.