
Focus on the person

When coaching, being fully present in the conversation with the client is essential. It's about having natural, authentic, and meaningful interactions that truly make an impact. Coaching isn’t about asking the most clever questions or simply helping the client find a solution, it’s about focusing on the person, not the problem. The goal isn’t to "fix" a problem but to engage in a co-creative process that empowers the client to discover their own path forward. By partnering with the client in a thought-provoking and creative dialogue, we inspire change and help them maximise their potential.


Models and frameworks don’t change lives; coaching does. Transformation happens one conversation at a time, and the real value lies in the coaching process itself. It’s not about showcasing expertise or using impressive tactics and techniques. I think true coaching is about having a genuine, authentic conversation in the moment, letting go of preconceived judgments and ideas to create a space for meaningful, human-to-human interaction. Ultimately, we are coaching the person, not the problem. Do you have a coach? Contact me via email for a “free” 30-minute confidential discovery meeting, and let’s explore how coaching can help you reach your full potential.

From fixer to coach

As a trained coach, I’ve had to unlearn the habit of entering conversations with a fixer or problem-solver mindset. I'm still in the process of letting go of that tendency in favour of embracing genuine curiosity. I now actively practice asking questions that I don’t, and couldn’t possibly know the answers to. My role as a coach is to help uncover the root of any fears and support my clients in a safe environment, guiding them to decide what they truly want and how to address those fears.

What territory are we exploring in this session?
Personal? Professional? Community? Family? Friendships?
It doesn’t matter where we begin as these areas are all interconnected. My goal is to understand the whole person and help them explore whatever territory they wish to focus on in the session. What's useful for them is what truly matters. Contact me via e-mail for a free confidential 30 minute discovery.

Communicating your vision

As your coach, I serve as the compass to help you "land the plane," so to speak. I act as a deep listener, helping you stay connected to the goals you set. So, let’s think about whether this is the next step you want to take. Here are a few questions to help you reflect:

  • What do you need to do?

  • How will you do it?

  • By when?

  • With whom?

  • What will success look like, and how will you measure it?

Contact me via email if you have any other considerations.

Performance coaching

Our tailor-made coaching for performance solutions aims to foster a culture of respect and inclusivity. Creating a positive work environment boosts productivity, promotes teamwork, reduces turnover, and enhances employee satisfaction. We have found this approach to be ideal for retaining top talent, driving innovation, and achieving long-term growth and success. I think by investing in coaching for performance, you empower your employees to develop the skills they need to perform at their best and contribute to your organisation’s overall success.

When you really listen to another person from their point of view, and reflect back to them that understanding, it’s like giving them emotional oxygen.
— Stephen Covey

The STAR coaching model

The STAR coaching model, which stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result, is an effective tool for guiding structured and meaningful conversations. It is commonly used in coaching to help individuals reflect on their past experiences and behaviour, making it easier to identify goals and develop actionable plans for the future.

The process begins by discussing the situation, the specific context or challenge that created difficulty. From there, the conversation moves to the task, where the client is encouraged to think about what they believe they should do to address the issue. The next step involves reflecting on their actions, or how they typically respond to such situations, allowing them to examine their thought patterns and behaviour. Finally, the coach and client assess the result of those actions, exploring both the outcome and how the individual feels about it. I think this reflective process allows for accountability and promotes collaborative problem-solving, making it a valuable framework for personal growth and goal setting.

Contact me via email for 1:1 or group coaching.

What does a good coach deliver?

I think a good coach consistently delivers self-belief, self-motivation, choice, clarity, commitment, awareness, responsibility, and action, whilst also holding the client accountable. While many of us may be capable of providing these qualities to others occasionally, a skilled coach delivers them reliably, empowering most people most of the time. Contact me via email to discuss your coaching requirements.

A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.
— John Wooden

Mindset matters

What are the triggers that influence where we fall on the fixed versus growth mindset continuum?

Mindset is shaped by a set of beliefs, and those beliefs are influenced by the people around us and the environment we’re in. It's important to understand that mindset isn’t just about effort. Simply telling ourselves to "try harder" doesn’t lead to true growth. A genuine growth mindset involves putting in effective effort - understanding whether the work you're doing is moving you towards your goals. I think it also means being open to seeking help, guidance, or coaching from others and being willing to pivot or adapt to learn, grow, and achieve the goals you’ve set.

How is change created?

Key questions for change:

  1. What specific change are we trying to make?

  2. Who are we aiming to influence?

  3. Given our agreed-upon constraints and goals, is there a better path forward to reach our destination?

To proceed, we need clarity on the following:

  • Constraints:
    What are the limitations or boundaries we’re operating within?

  • Objectives:
    What are the precise goals we are working toward?

  • Target Audience:
    Who are we trying to affect or change?

Without alignment on these key points, productive conversation becomes difficult. If we’re not on the same page, we risk revealing that we’re metaphorically on different journeys (or buses), heading in different directions. Contact me via email for a confidential conversation about your journey.

It's lonely at the top

Our brains like to fix things, so when you tell me your story I subconsciously begin to strategise and think of solutions. I’m really good at problem solving and I really like people so coaching seemed like a natural progression. I became the catalyst when I ask questions and bring observations into our conversations. And one of the things I listen for is what makes this a problem for this person? It’s often a perspective, a mindset, an idea, assumption or a belief and that’s what I’m listening for. The details of the story then become fuzzy as I am homing in to the person in front of me.

- What’s really going on? 

- Are you hurt and feeling betrayed? 

- Are you thinking things should be different than they currently are? 

- Do you have expectations that are just not happening?
- What are your fears? 

- What’s making you anxious? 

- What can’t you control?

You are not alone, there’s a lot going on for everyone.
Contact me via e-mail and let’s have a confidential conversation about what actions you think you should focus on.

“Quiet the ego and look for the lesson.”
— Unknown

Drop the ego

How do you connect with the younger generation?

I find it quite easy because the younger generation is also purpose-driven. Like them, I want to work with organisations that value human connection and prioritise human values. I want to engage on a personal level, sit down, have a conversation, and enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea), even if we eventually part ways professionally. It’s important for me to separate the business side from the human side, which can be challenging at times. But for me, the psychological aspect, I mean the human connection is what matters most.

In today’s digital world, where there is an obsession with smart devices and social media, everything is open and instant, which can add complexity. I focus on the emotional well-being of all employees, ensuring they are balanced. I think with social media, even small issues can escalate quickly, and criticism can spread widely, therefore, it's essential to stay emotionally resilient in such an environment. I’m there for you with a quiet ego and an open mind.

What is coaching?

c/o ELLE magazine

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.

We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we are striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.

Behaviour creates results

A positive mind finds opportunity in everything, while a negative mind finds faults in everything. In addition to boosting productivity and promoting teamwork, coaching for performance can also help to reduce turnover rates and improve employee satisfaction. I think that when employees feel supported and valued, they are more likely to stay with your organization for the long term. Overall, when leaders focus on coaching for performance and creating a positive work environment, it becomes a smart investment in the future of your organisation. By fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity, your organisation will attract and retain top talent, drive innovation, and build a resilient workforce that is well-equipped to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing business landscape. Don’t take my word for it, check out the research from McKinsey & Co.

Never break the silence

The STOKeRS Model is new to me, so I did a little research and found out that it’s a coaching framework designed to facilitate effective conversations, particularly during the goal-setting phase of coaching sessions. Developed by Claire Pedrick, this model helps coaches ensure that key elements are covered during their interactions with clients.

• Subject – What should we focus on today?

•  Time – Given we have “X” minutes today, what about that do we need to focus on?

• Outcome – What would you like to be different at the end of our time together?

• Know – How will you know you have got what you need out of this time?

• Role – How are we going to do this?

•  Start – Where shall we start?

Fine-tuning our minds

The words you use to frame your current situation will change your mindset and elevate your mood. A positive mindset allows you to stay open to new possibilities where others see barriers, and a positive mood will lift your spirits and attract people in your life who will help, support, or hire you. I think successful individuals in any field used positive words to frame an outcome. It's an imperfect world, and despite hours of practice and years of experience, the ball won't always bounce your way, you'll be dealt a bad hand, or an unprecedented pandemic will shift your plans. 

“We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the secret sits in the middle and knows.”
— Robert Frost

Learning about yourself

Insights about yourself or the situation at hand lead to actions and behavior changes. Positive behavior changes create an impact, which in turn generates new insights and awareness, perpetuating the cycle. When coaching one has to park our ego and let our coachees' achievements shine, amplifying their successes. I think it’s important to find the right balance between helping others and helping yourself.

“A rising tide lifts all boats.”
— J.F. Kennedy

Tailor-made solutions

Our tailor-made coaching for performance solutions aim to foster a culture of respect and inclusivity, which effectively enhances teamwork, communication, and productivity. Research has shown that creating a positive work environment boosts productivity, promotes teamwork, reduces turnover rates, and improves employee satisfaction. By investing in coaching for performance, you can help your employees develop the skills they need to perform at their best and contribute to the overall success of your company. Contact me via email for a free 30-minute discovery call.

“Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you can always control what you will feel and do about what happens to you.”
— Viktor Frankl

Supporting your dreams

There are countless definitions of coaching, each offered by the thousands of coaches out there. It's important to hold off on giving advice and maintain curiosity for a bit longer, as new initiatives often meet resistance. I think anything worthwhile will encounter obstacles and pushback, and organisational change can be particularly daunting. Remember, pushback isn't personal; it's simply a systemic reaction to the changes taking place.

“As with any new skill, attitude, style, or belief, adopting a coaching ethos requires commitment, practice, and some time before it flows naturally and its effectiveness is optimised.”
— Sir John Whitmore

A better understanding

I think an act of curiosity is an act of vulnerability, and true empowerment means stepping away from power and the spotlight to let others realise their potential, rather than solving the problem for them. Share your story, preserve its integrity, and control its narrative.

“The harm is in the unwanted help or helping them when they need to figure things out for themselves. Help is the sunny side of control.”
— Anne Lamont