
We are very distracted

We are living in environments with all kinds of competing information and we often work and live-in places that are also overloaded with information. The ability to selectively focus on certain things and ignore other things is part of our capacity as humans. There are distractions everywhere and this is the first time in human history where almost every on the planet has a mobile device. These devices have all kinds of attractions, amusements, and diversions, so we are constantly being pulled away from that one thing we need to do, and I think mindfulness can help.  

What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is where you use your strength of concentration to become a witness to your own thoughts and feelings. I think mindfulness is a mental work out, every time you bring your mind back into focus you are strengthening your concentration. Instead of being fused by our experience, we can step back and still participate in the experience fully and have more control over our thoughts, feelings, and actions.


Your ability as a salesperson to fix your attention on what matters and ignore distractions is a valid predictor of positive financial outcomes. Mindfulness is a method of training your attention in bringing it where you want and keeping where you want it to be. Contact me via e-mail for 1:1 coaching cognitive control sessions.

Balancing the act of indecision

As human beings we have learned to associate certain feelings to certain situations. As sales professionals we have to discover the buyer’s beliefs and values, and then associate not buying with missing out on something. I’m not advocating that you become a salesperson who is pushy, one who doesn’t really care and tries to manipulate buyers. I’m trying to clarify that buying equals pleasure and not buying equals’ pain.


Persuasion is the process of getting your customer to clearly associate their desired feelings or stakes to your products and services. In other words, if we want someone to buy our products and services, we have to get them to link their feelings towards what they want most, and we have to make it compelling and very real for them. And we have to associate not buying with pain - “I’m going to miss out on this opportunity!” - leaving them with the feeling that someone else is going to have something that they don’t have.


Think of something that you recently purchased and be honest, was it something you really needed or was it something you wanted, and then you began to justify it as a need? Here’s another scenario: When was the last time you really wanted something, but you didn’t follow through with the purchase? You had an emotional reason to buy, but you could not justify it logically. Would you like to learn how to give buyers enough reasons to buy? I mean their reasons and not yours. Contact me via e-mail for workshops and sales training.

Express your gifts

What happens when you stand in front of a fireplace and say give me some heat? The answer is nothing! Unless you put some wood into the fireplace add some fire starters and then light them, then you will not get any heat from the fireplace. If you replace the fireplace with a salesperson and replace heat with money. If you replace wood with knowledge and fire starters with the ability to reach out to clients. This is an analogy of a salesman who is consistently asked to sell products and services on a commission basis with no income until the client pays. I think this shows a distinct lack of understanding about what it takes to make sales - first you have to put something in before you can get something out.

How to make your brand interesting for potential buyers at home or abroad? Here are a few areas where we could collaborate:

Strategy - Interactive interview with yourselves to dig deeper into the brand’s foundation, values, and purpose.

Brand Analysis - Comparative analysis of brand and industry with a view to where the brand should be positioned.

Concept Development - Development of brand design direction and messages.

Communication Strategy - One strategy to unite all activities and channels to simply the brand communication.

Strategic Planning - Activity planning and brand development.

Implementation - Strategic activation plan for the brand with defined channels, goals, and “go-to-market” activities.

Sometimes the shortest distance between two points is not always a straight line. The shortest path will be some kind of line, but its nature depends on the space and how you choose to look at it. Contact me via e-mail and let’s have a meeting.

The essential elements

Dover Street Market, London

How we think and feel about people we don’t particularly know is perhaps the best guide to the workings of the average human imagination. I may be naïve, but I think that if you take care of somebody, they’ll open doors that you could never open yourself. They’ll take you by the hand and share you with people that you never thought you could reach. I believe that when you provide good service for your customers they will recommend you and this will lead to multiple sales.


No matter how well we are doing, we can all use another idea! Just a couple of other things that link together with the things we already know could give us a whole new burst of productivity and energy. Sometimes it’s difficult to bring yourself within the framework of activity required to concentrate and focus on doing your best. For an extraordinary lifestyle, we will have to do some tough listening.


My simple 3 step sales formula is:
1.    Talk to lots of people every day and you are bound to get better.
2.    Be really nice, a big part of presentation is attitude and personality.
3.    Be of extraordinary service, do all the things most people don’t do.

Knowing the scenario

Illustration Francesco Ciccolella

Dr. Richard Carlson’s book, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” from 1998 advised us to only deal with things that matter and follow simple strategies for living a more fulfilled and peaceful life. As leaders, let’s learn to help people not just with their jobs but also with their lives. I think we have a two-fold responsibility to help people with job skills and I think the greater responsibility is to help people with life skills. Don’t only teach people how to work, let’s teach people how to live and how to assimilate and accumulate far greater treasures than just a salary. 

It not only about what I earned, it’s also about what I learned.
— Burrellism

There is treasure in awareness, understanding, setting goals, reaching into the future, and expanding our horizons. I have been in London this week teaching a sales team how to ask great questions, whom to target, how to follow up and how they efficiently fill their pipelines. The workshop revolved around, “How do I attract my ideal customers?” The larger the challenge, the larger the opportunity! Contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops about mastering the science of achievement and the art of fulfilment.

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes


The results that are expected of us in selling are sales, and the only time that we are working is when we are doing something that contributes directly to that result. Selling is when you are face to face with real life customers who are willing and capable of buying a product (or service). Today’s businesses are learning from the science of change that they must recreate themselves even when they would like to believe that the old business will go on forever. 

The best way to predict the future is to create it.
— Peter Drucker 

Which means to have a vision and even though the vision is in the air or sky, you start to build a foundation under your dreams. All high achievers are result orientated, they dream big dreams and focus on results not activities. The key is to be clear about the results that you are trying to accomplish and ask yourself the following questions:
1)    What results are expected of me?
2)    What am I supposed to produce in my job?
3)    Why am I employed here?
Please reach out if you have questions about how it can impact your organisation or yourself.

Walk the talk


Sales has always been about the power of persuasion and buyers always want to buy from people whom they trust. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, persuasion is a process whose objective is to change a person’s attitude and/or behavior towards an idea, event, person, or an object. I think that the understanding of various effective persuasion techniques will help sales professionals to make sales and meet their targets and it will also give them an edge over competitors in the market. 

Listening is a major component of persuasion, therefore:
·      Listen with interest
·      Reflect with grace
·      Think with sincerity
·      Plan with optimism
·      Speak with honesty
·      Give with gratitude
·      Act with integrity

Before persuasion comes knowledge, therefore, it’s essential that you do your in-depth research as “one size does not fit all”. Sales professionals need to execute a fine balance between transparency and persuasion to guide the buyer towards the intended outcome of buying. Contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops about mastering the science of achievement and the art of fulfilment.

Learn to sell


The ability to get along with others and show an interest in the world around them is essential for sales professionals. If you can find someone with a problem and they will pay you money to solve the problem, you will never have a financial problem and you will be of service to people. Sounds easy! Would you like to learn to sell?

Here’s a simple formula to follow:
- Here's what this product or service is. 
- Here's what it does. 
- Here's how it can help you. 
- Here's why I think it's worth it. 
- Here's why you should take action right now.

Resilience is also vital if you want to succeed as you are likely to get knocked back a fair few times on the road to success. Just because one person isn’t interested, you just have to keep going. And that resilience, that refusal to give up in the face of adversity, is another lesson we can all take forward into our lives, no matter how old we are. Contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops.

Understanding how people listen


I think the basics of human interaction and communication is to speak to others the way you want them to speak to you. I have heard some really bad speakers, but I have never heard a bad speech. When I create material, I try to envisage that I am going to be the receiver, in other words I pretend that I’m in the audience listening to myself. Do you know what I mean? The reason I do this is because I think as a receiver, even if I don’t agree with your point of view, I will appreciate the fact that I am giving an honest effort to delivering what I truly see as the better point of view.


Taking a person from a place where they are right now and giving them the tools to invest in a better future. I think ultimately, people buy emotions and then justify their purchase with logic. Here are a 5 tips on how to create a human context speech:
1.     Greet your audience
2.     Explain early what your speech is about
3.     Speak slowly, use short word sentences
4.     Share what you think or how you feel
5.     End your speech with a conclusion


Would you like to learn how to write an authentic story that truly connects with your ideal customer? Sales happen when we inspire our customers to invest in a better future, please do not manipulate or trick them as sales professionals our mission is to inspire. Contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops.

Preparation is key


I think a good salesperson can book a meeting regardless of the product or service. In fact, a good salesperson is not selling the product or service when they ask for a meeting. Instead, the meeting is the product that they’re selling. A good salesperson is selling the value of having a meeting with them. To be effective here, you have to believe that it’s valuable for your potential client to have a meeting with you, regardless of the product or service.

The better prepared you are prior to a negotiation, the more likely it is that the outcome of the negotiation will be satisfactory for both parties involved. Preparation requires that you do two things:

  1. Get all the information that you can about the upcoming negotiation.

  2. Think the negotiation through from beginning to end, and be fully prepared for any eventuality.

The first kind of information you need is about the product or service and the person with whom you will be negotiating via Linkedin. You obtain this information by choosing good questions to ask that are well thought out. In this sense, information becomes a form of power, and the power is always on the side of the person with the best information.

To listen is to pay attention to


Without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood. Most of us listen to the degree we can understand points of agreement or disagreement, or to prepare what to say in response, rather than to learn. And when we do that, we are not so much hearing other people as we are waiting for our turn to speak. Listening is key to all effective communication. I think that if there is one communication skill you should aim to master, then listening is the one.

From the sales perspective listening is the key to all effective communication as this skill is indispensable when seeking to build mutually beneficial relationships with potential clients.Listening means stepping outside one’s own interests, to actually want to know more, and to care what others’ interests are. To not just hear words, but to pay attention to the underlying needs and frames of reference, because in the end, successful sales numbers are the result of effective information gathering. If a salesperson can guide the conversation toward that prospect’s goals, roadblocks, and ambitions, it becomes much easier to design and deliver a pitch. Are you a good listener?

You are never too old to learn


One of the most valuable skills that a person can have, is the ability to sell anything to anyone by using persuasive skills. According to Harvard University, persuasion lies at the heart of our personal and professional lives. Whether the goal is to convince one person in a face-to-face encounter, influence a group in a meeting, sway an entire organisation, or win over the public, the capacity to persuade is pivotal to effective leadership. Being a great salesperson opens many doors of opportunity, especially for entrepreneurs and business owners.


Here are 5 sales tips:
1.     Understand your customer’s needs.
2.     Research who will buy your products or services. 
3.     Ask questions.
4.     Sell yourself.
5.     Don’t just sell, guide the buyer through a process.


I think that in sales and business the future belongs to the people who ask for what they want. Therefore, if you want to change your future act now and contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops.

My word is my bond


I think life’s two most important questions are: “Why?” and “Why not?” and the trick is knowing which one to ask. Acquiring some understanding of why we do things is often a prerequisite to change. This is especially true when talking about repetitive patterns of behaviour that do not serve us well. This is what Socrates meant when he said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

I have no control over who people think I am, so I don’t worry about it and definitely do not seek their approval. 
— Burrellism

I learn something new from each client and this allows me to keep learning. Another tip would be to read veraciously, there are so many good books and the internet is full of knowledge, so choose carefully. What has kept me in sales is meeting people who are doing something interesting that I can learn something about. 

Sales is the key

I think that there are far too many people who are teaching sales who have never sold anything. I have lived in Copenhagen since 1997, so I have had the opportunity to embrace the Danish culture and values, which I admire and respect. Having a natural cross cultural understanding, combined with strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate with both internal and external stakeholders across the spectrum - from decision makers in the boardroom to factory workers - has been demonstrated throughout my career.

Selling is a wide subject, covering many selling methods, sales theories, models and sales training methods. Would you like to close the gap between global strategies and local execution?
I can guide your sales excellence team by optimising the sales process, developing sales programs, and conducting sales training globally. Remember, life is not designed to give us what we want or what we need, life is designed to give us what we deserve. Who is responsible for developing and implementing sales operating models? Who should I contact in your organisation?

Accelerate the path to delighting customers


I recently had a 1:1 meeting with a CEO who was looking for a Sales Director. As we spoke I thought that this would be a great challenge for a hungry and driven sales leader who can grow, lead and nurture an enthusiastic sales team. Someone who could divide their time between the operational challenges and strategic support of the sales team in a fast-paced environment without losing sight of the mission. I used my knowledge about market developments and customer needs to help the CEO articulate the strategic initiatives for the organisation.

Humans engage with things they care about, and no one cares about something they don’t understand. Do you know your story? Why you do what you do? How you do it and what are you selling? If you are not clearly communicating this to your buyers, then unfortunately, they will never hear it. Dale Carnegie said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic but with creatures of emotion.” Contact me via e-mail for sales training or workshops.

Focus on the finish line

Image c/o Strategy Sprints

Image c/o Strategy Sprints

The human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible and mysterious than land and it works the same way as the mind does not care what we plant, whether it be success or failure. A concrete worthwhile goal or confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety and so on but whatever we plant it must return to us. The human mind is the last great unexplored continent on earth, it contains riches beyond our wildest dreams, it will return anything we were to plant. Well you might say that if that’s true why are people struggling to meet their goals?

Emily Balcetis explains how motivation is not enough if you want to achieve your goals, see the video here. Emily Balcetis, Ph.D., is an associate professor of psychology at New York University and author of “Clearer, Closer, Better: How Successful People See the World.”

Turn your wounds into wisdom


The best study of life is how it is, not how we think it should be. I think people will do more to avoid pain than they will ever do to gain pleasure, therefore, salespersons must sell consequences. Buyers will always think about whether you have their best interests in mind, in other words, “Can the buyer trust you?” When most salespersons say something, it tends to be just filtered through their needs and desires when in reality, it should be about the buyers. In my experience most salespersons sell what they love about their products rather than what the buyer would love about their products.


People don’t do things because we tell them to, people do things for reasons. For example, buyers must associate the action of buying with creating tremendous pleasure and the action of not buying with pain. I think that selling is the process of finding the buyers pain, disturbing it, and making them feel the hurt. The salesperson is then responsible for healing the buyer’s pain through different choices, usually through their products or services. Would you like to know how to guide buyers through your sales process? Contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops.

No leads = No sales = No income

Sugar coating things and pretending problems will just go away on their own is nice, but it’s not something we do in my network. As entrepreneurs we are used to wearing different hats, for example, sales, marketing, operations and finance, etc. and we use CRM tools to help us mange our sales processes. Your number one goal in sales is to make your customer as successful as possible and as long as your motivation is to help the customers win, you will always win in sales.

I recently watched Susan Cain’s “The Power of Introverts” Ted Talk and was reminded about what a nightmare it must be for a shy person when working with outbound sales. Constantly making excuses to avoid making that call or sending that e-mail. It must be hard to continuously have your sales pipeline full of new opportunities when reaching out to strangers is hard for you. This does not mean that introverts are not good salespersons, as I have found that introverts are better listeners than extroverts. Contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops.


Curiosity is critically important in sales


We currently live in a world where we can connect to whomever we want whenever we want, therefore, why would we connect to someone who is selfish and boring? We are more likely to connect with people who are interesting and generous. I think selling is about matching a solution to a problem and it’s also about building relationships. 

Salespersons are usually trained in behaviours that buyers find no value in, therefore, they are going to have to learn how to change their thought processes before they can change their behaviours. I think sales should be fun and I always try to make it fun, as I am a curious person and approach everything with curiosity. When you approach things with curiosity, you are present, you are learning and you are connecting. You will always learn new things that push you out of your comfort zone. Do you have a sales manager who trusts you to do things your way? Sales training should not always be about compliance to methods and processes. How can I help your team to tap into their natural curiosity and overcome the roadblocks to success? Contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops.

The discovery phase

Most salespersons start their presentation by stating the features and benefits of their products and services. Perhaps they should think about looking at business from a different perspective. How do you identify the needs and objectives of a potential customer as they progress from knowing nothing about your brand? Why do they need your expertise for promoting their business?

  1. Awareness - You can help the customer discover the source of their problem by supplying short, easy-to-consume pieces of content that will educate and inform them.

  2. Consideration - To understand and meet this need, you will want to provide the customer with content that educates them on different methods of solving their problem and compares different solutions that you and your competitors offer.

  3. Decision - The buyer at this stage knows what they need and why, they will be more likely to listen when you provide expertise and support their decisions. At this stage, they will be able to see that your greatest concern is providing insight on the best fitting solution for their needs.

Understanding the initial needs of the buyer, along with their preferences and tendencies, will have a huge impact on what you market to them and how you make it visible to them. Contact me via e-mail for your sales training and workshops.