Flip it on its head

Can you take a concept that people think they understand very well and flip it on its head?

Yes, no problems!
A brand isn’t just a logo or a company name. I think a brand is a shorthand: it’s what people expect when they hire you, when you walk into the room, or when they see your name. If your approach is just "Tell us what you need, and we’ll make it," you risk losing any distinct identity. You won’t stand for anything unique. Many creatives struggle to set prices for their work, often feeling like a sell-out when they find commercial success.

Value comes from the story and the price. You can choose one of two paths: you can position yourself as an affordable, general option, someone who competes on price alone and gets a steady flow of business. Or you can position yourself as a premium choice, someone who charges more but delivers exceptional value. You may get fewer clients, but those who value quality over cost will seek you out. Who do you want to be?

“Don’t become a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific.”
— Zig Ziglar

Healing takes time

People need to understand that childhood experiences shape how we give and receive love, resolve conflicts, and apologise. These patterns become ingrained templates that affect adult relationships, often creating cycles of triggers, misunderstandings, and emotional reactions. Recognising that a partner’s behaviours may stem from past experiences, such as sensitivity to abandonment or reactions like shouting, allows for a more compassionate perspective. Instead of taking these behaviours personally, seeing them as part of a deeper struggle fosters understanding, helping conflicts feel less intense and resolutions come more easily. I think unaddressed childhood traumas impact every part of life, especially relationships. To break free from unhealthy patterns, one must retrace and heal past wounds; otherwise, they risk being drawn repeatedly to familiar, even harmful, dynamics.

Moving up the ladder

Transitioning from personal success to achieving results through others is one of the most rewarding and challenging phases of leadership. It’s a shift from focusing on your own contributions to building, leading, and nurturing a successful team. Leadership is not just about excelling individually but about developing managerial skills that elevate those around you. It’s about ensuring every team member feels empowered, motivated, and recognised.
What leadership skill have you been honing lately?

It may be offensive

c/o Gillette

When I speak to others, my words must either inform, inspire, support, or bring laughter; otherwise, I choose to remain silent. If the conversation could turn hostile, involve anger or revenge, focus on right and wrong, or risk making someone feel unhappy or hurt, I pause instead. I wait until I can say something that will either inform, inspire them to grow, offer support, or bring laughter. Remember, comments from others can never bring you down!

“No one can make a fool of you without your consent.”
— Wayne Dyer

Get rich quick schemes

The promise platforms like TikTok and YouTube make: “Spend hundreds of hours creating content for us for free, and there’s a one-in-a-million chance you’ll become famous.” These odds aren’t in your favour, and I think that it’s a game best avoided. Sure, someone may become famous, but it’s unlikely to be you, after all, we already have the Beckhams and the Kardashians. The real winners are the companies hosting your content; your unpaid labour is making them extremely wealthy. “Too good to be true” strategies rarely pay off in the long run, and I, for one, am not signing up for that game.

Spotting a narcissist

It's difficult to maintain the attention of someone who is set on being dissatisfied. Self-centered individuals, those people who are selfish, narcissistic, or self-absorbed tend to evaluate others only by the pleasure they provide. As long as you’re catering to their desires, they’re content, but the moment they grow bored, they’ll demand a change in your behaviour to serve their needs. People like this are insatiable, and their arrogant demands can never be fully met. So, if you find yourself endlessly trying to please someone who’s only happy when things go exactly their way, recognise that this may be harmful to your emotional health. I think trying to satisfy a narcissist is like attempting to drink the ocean with a teaspoon,it’s an endless, exhausting pursuit.

Business fundamentals

Here are some fundamental questions about a business which are valuable to ask at various key moments in the business lifecycle:
What do we stand for?
What’s our function?
Who do we appeal to?
Who’s our target audience?
How do we present ourselves?
How do we differentiate ourselves?
How do we make ourselves look different and feel valuable to the people who encounter us?

I think these questions will keep the business grounded and adaptable, making sure it consistently offers a clear, differentiated, and valuable experience to its audience.

Are we better off?

c/o LinkedIn

One of the most remarkable things about the human brain is its ability to process the same situation in multiple ways. In contrast, mathematical models are not capable of this flexibility. These models, particularly those related to time and algorithms, inherently assume that faster is always better. In his 2013 book, “Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity”, Hartmut Rosa traces the origins of social acceleration back to the Industrial Revolution. This acceleration, however, has contributed to our collective discontent. With an overwhelming increase in choices, we no longer feel we can fully achieve everything we desire. This relentless pace and the explosion of options have left us feeling perpetually unsatisfied or under-optimised.

If you're seeking clarity in this fast-paced world, book a confidential 30-minute discovery call with me via email to explore how you can optimise your leadership and career trajectory.

The burden of the good guy

When decision-making is reduced to an algorithm, formula, or procedure, the risk of blame is minimised, essentially, the system says 'no.' People tend to favour codifying processes, making them numerical, and turning them into optimisation problems with one 'right' answer. However, this approach narrows the range of potential solutions, leaving little room for debate or alternatives. I think the burden of this rigid approach often falls more heavily on the recipient than on the sender.

Unlocking the potential

How do we guide clients to realise their inner potential?
There's greatness inside each one of our clients, and it’s our role is to help them shine in all areas of their lives. The beauty of the human journey lies in its imperfection, and it is this imperfection that gives rise to true beauty. I think ultimately, coaching is not about the coach; it’s all about the client. It’s about partnering with them on their journey toward a meaningful destination, a destination that aligns with their destiny.

Questions are the key

When was the last time a question changed your life? When was the last time a single word made a profound impact? I think words carry immense power and life and death are in the tongue. As coaches, how we speak to ourselves and what we say to our clients truly matters. Our clients look to us as beacons of hope, a place where they can authentically be themselves and where possibilities are ignited. It’s vital to help our clients recognise the greatness within them.

Machine learning vs. human

The future of coaching is likely to be influenced by the rise of AI and automation. Imagine AI taking the lead in a coaching session, asking questions like, "What's on your mind?" or "You spoke about this two weeks ago, but what feels like the real challenge here for you?" With enough context, AI could analyse conversations, follow decision trees, and offer thoughtful prompts like, "What else?" repeatedly, drawing out deeper insights. This kind of interaction could effectively simulate human coaching, potentially achieving similar outcomes a significant portion of the time. As a coach, this raises an important question: Where do you offer unique value in the coaching experience that someone can't get from chatting with their AI assistant?

Enjoy the process

Coaching conversations have the power to change lives, one session at a time. I think that transformation occurs after each interaction. As a coach, my role is to guide clients closer to their goals by helping them turn setbacks into comebacks and disappointments into opportunities for growth. The insights and lessons we gather along the way are valuable tools that support clients throughout their journey. If you are ready to explore how coaching can help you, contact me via email to schedule a free 30-minute discovery meeting.

Where's her father?

Heinz released a series of public ad posters promoting family sized pasta sauce. The ads depict a wedding reception where the Black bride sits in the middle of the table completely overjoyed while eating pasta. To her right sit her white groom’s mother and father. On the left, the groom and what looks like the bride’s Black mother appear. Where is the bride’s father?

It’s now 14 days since I was sent this picture from Vauxhall tube station, and as a Black father with two daughters, I was outraged. This advert only perpetuates racist stereotypes against the Black community. What were Heinz thinking? It’s quite obvious that there are no Black executives in the Heinz marketing team or in their advertising agency.

Give people space

I’m rarely the smartest person in the room, nor the best looking or the funniest. So, I just say what I need to and then step back, making space for others. My goal is to amplify the voices of those who have been marginalised or pushed aside. While I do care about how I’m perceived, I’m far more concerned about my purpose. On one hand, I want to give a voice to important issues. and on the other, I don’t want the focus to be on me. I hope my work continually challenges the stereotypes and biases about people who look like me.

Look in the mirror

Historically DEI has been an add on to the existing HR and People Lead team roles, however that’s changed. We are seeing more defined roles, more clear objectives and responsibilities, for example, Learning & Development when done right, has been known to improve workplace culture, bridge skills gaps and increase employee retention rates.

Belonging to a marginalised group does not make you qualified as a DEI professional. I’m a huge fan of research and there are 8 core competencies that DEI professionals should possess:
1. Change management

2. Diversity, inclusion & a global perspective

3. Business acumen

4. Strategic external relations

5. Integrity

6. Visionary and strategic leadership

7. HR competencies

8. Self-awareness

What characteristics does your organisations DEI advocate possess?
Let me know via email.

What's the challenge?

Image c/o LinkedIn

I have become both a sponge and a filter, absorbing everything while carefully choosing what to amplify. On one hand, I want to give voice to important topics, but on the other, I don’t want those topics to be solely associated with me. There’s a risk of losing myself or making it seem like the issue is about me, which could undermine the message. My challenge is finding ways to support these causes behind the scenes, without drawing too much attention to myself.

“What disturbs men’s minds is not events but their judgement on events.”
— Epictetus

The culture of trust

Transitioning from personal success to achieving results through others is one of the most rewarding and challenging phases of leadership. It’s a shift from focusing on your own contributions to building, leading, and nurturing a successful team. Leadership is not just about excelling individually but about developing managerial skills that elevate those around you. It’s about ensuring every team member feels empowered, motivated, and recognised. What leadership skill have you been honing lately? Send me an email with your thoughts.

Three key factors

When proposing change, remember that it is typically motivated by one of three factors:

  1. Saving time,

  2. Saving resources,

  3. Saving energy

The questions are:
- How does your value proposition address these points?
- What are you helping your audience save?
Framing your value proposition around these three drivers will help make it more compelling and relevant to your audience's needs.

Focus on the person

When coaching, being fully present in the conversation with the client is essential. It's about having natural, authentic, and meaningful interactions that truly make an impact. Coaching isn’t about asking the most clever questions or simply helping the client find a solution, it’s about focusing on the person, not the problem. The goal isn’t to "fix" a problem but to engage in a co-creative process that empowers the client to discover their own path forward. By partnering with the client in a thought-provoking and creative dialogue, we inspire change and help them maximise their potential.


Models and frameworks don’t change lives; coaching does. Transformation happens one conversation at a time, and the real value lies in the coaching process itself. It’s not about showcasing expertise or using impressive tactics and techniques. I think true coaching is about having a genuine, authentic conversation in the moment, letting go of preconceived judgments and ideas to create a space for meaningful, human-to-human interaction. Ultimately, we are coaching the person, not the problem. Do you have a coach? Contact me via email for a “free” 30-minute confidential discovery meeting, and let’s explore how coaching can help you reach your full potential.